Friday, January 10, 2014

Three Libertarian Schools Going

We have three Libertarian Schools set up or in the process of being set up in Houston, TX, Ft. Worth, TX and Columbia, MO.

Houston, TX:  February 22, 2014, between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m. is the expected first meeting of the two hour public reading session of libertarian books in Houston, Texas.  I have room for three guests to ride down from Dallas and back with me.

Ft. Worth, TX:  We plan to have the first Ft. Worth Libertarian School in days.  Contact me for time and date.

Columbia, MO:  This is a bi-weekly Rothbardian/ Mises economics study group run by a Ph. D. student.

Gene Chapman, CEO
Libertarian Global Library and Book Exchange
P. O. Box 295545
Lewisville, TX 75029

"If you want to get people on the same page, how 'bout we get 'em on the actual same page?"

"If you want to get people on the same page, how 'bout we get 'em on the actual same page?" -- join a Libertarian School "book club" today (