Saturday, August 3, 2013

Theology of the Cartels

As I began to dig into the theology of the cartels, I found that Santa Murete has been adopted by the Mexican Drug Cartels in part because these groups have been marginalized by the main stream.  Santa Muerte, the female deity of the dead, may be worshipped a couple of ways:  1)  as benign, a simple recognition that death is a very true thing;  2)  She may also be worshipped because she has satanic potential in her look and relationship with death.

This second purpose is to drive fear into the outsiders, I feel.  If you can't be a good white sheep, then be a very good black sheep.

The cartels have been dealt with as if their views and business are to be opposed by the governments, Catholic Church and everything that is so called, "good."  As a Gandhian, I see the truths in all religions as being God, who is Truth Only.  There are aspects of all religions that are less than truth.  We must, like eating a fish, eat the good meat and leave the bones on the shelf until they are internalized to be Truth, assuming they ever are internalized.

Until this internalization takes place, we must recognize that "one man's righteousness is another man's evil, and vice versa" (Tolstoy).  Therefore, we must not judge one another (make legal determinations) in the slightest thing.

This is the starting place of peace.

Gene Chapman,
Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age)